Attack on titan games 3ds
Attack on titan games 3ds

attack on titan games 3ds

attack on titan games 3ds

The controls are cumbersome and the camera is disorienting often I'd launch a grappling hook and speed over to a location, only to find the camera would spin around so that I wasn't quite sure which direction I was headed. Unfortunately, swinging through the city makes you feel less like Spider-Man, and more like a window washer tumbling down a building. Titles like Sunset Overdrive have shown that simply moving around can be fun if done right, and the premise of Attack on Titan has that same potential. The combination of terrifying enemies and a thrilling sense of movement is what had me excited about the Attack on Titan game. Taking down titans is incredibly boring and tedious Most battle scenes in the show involve huge massacres, where human survivors are rare. In order to fight this menace, human soldiers train for years and use a combination of the omni-directional gear and a pair of swords to take down their foes. They can regenerate limbs almost instantly, and their only vulnerable point is a small weak spot on the back of their necks - sort of like a video game boss.

attack on titan games 3ds

The thing about titans is that not only are they big and hungry, but they're also very difficult to kill. The humans who are still alive cower inside a heavily barricaded city. The anime takes place in a grim alternate reality where humanity is at the brink of extinction thanks to an inexplicable menace: giant creatures called titans that look like naked humans and like to eat people for fun.

#Attack on titan games 3ds series#

But the new Nintendo 3DS adaptation of the series doesn't live up to that. It's basically a series of boss battles that require crazy-fast aerial acrobatics, which sounds like a recipe for a great game. The story is all about humans fighting against towering giants using something called "omni-directional mobility gear," which essentially lets them swing around like Spider-Man. The first time I saw Attack on Titan, all I could think about was how awesome it would be as a video game.

Attack on titan games 3ds